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Iscrizioni della città etrusca di Adria : Testi e contesti tra Arcaismo ed Ellenismo
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bononia University Press

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Adria nasce come emporio e almeno dal tardo Arcaismo assume la fisionomia di una città etrusca per cultura e per lingua. Gli scavi condotti in città per oltre due secoli hanno restituito una ricca documentazione epigrafica che conta 212 iscrizioni etrusche e centinaia di graffiti. Nel panorama degli studi su Adria, il ruolo dell’epigrafia appare così assai rilevante. Rilevanza confermata nel quadro dell’Etruria padana, dove il nucleo adriese è al secondo posto per quantità dopo quello di Spina, e compete anche con alcune fra le più importanti città dell’Etruria propria. Ma l’aspetto forse più importante risiede nella continuità, dato che le attestazioni più antiche risalgono al VI sec. a.C. e le più recenti a cavallo di II e I sec. a.C., restituendo così lo spaccato di una comunità sopravvissuta al crollo del sistema padano nel IV sec. a.C. Questa ricca documentazione è confluita nell’edizione del Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, IV, I, 1. Non consentendo la prassi redazionale dell’opera approfondimenti critici, si è ritenuto opportuno offrire a corredo del fascicolo un testo di analisi epigrafica delle iscrizioni etrusche, valorizzando l’insieme delle informazioni che il singolo oggetto iscritto porta con sé, dunque non solo il testo, ma anche il supporto e il contesto di rinvenimento, essenziali per una soddisfacente interpretazione. Le iscrizioni sono dunque fondamentali per uno studio complessivo e diacronico dell’Adria preromana, in quanto grazie a queste è possibile avviare una riflessione sulla società e sulle pratiche che questa adottava nel confrontarsi con il sacro e con la morte.



Les ruines résonnent encore de leurs pas : La circulation dans les monuments grecs (VIIe s. - 31 a.C.)
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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Research on Greek monuments has only rarely, or only superficially, intersected with research in the socio-historical field. However, the multidisciplinary orientation of current research allows us to consider architecture from a new angle, by placing Man at the heart of the subject. In fact, recreating paths and gestures that have disappeared today requires a cross-referencing of sources, particularly textual, epigraphic, archaeological and iconographic. It is in this perspective that the International Study Day on the Circulation of Greek Monuments was held on 3rd and 4th November 2016. The aim of this event, which is taken up in this publication, was twofold: to fill a gap and to raise questions that could lead, in the long run, to new studies.



Spring Archaeology.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1803270012 Year: 2021 Publisher: Oxford : Archaeopress,

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Proceedings of a 2020 symposium organised by students of the University of Siena (held online due to COVID-19). Papers consider many facets of archaeology in Italy, including the application of new technologies, the study of material culture, examples of public archaeology projects, advances in research and reflections on methodological problems.



Olga Tufnell's 'Perfect Journey' : letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Olga Tufnell (1905-85) was a British archaeologist working in Egypt, Cyprus and Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, a period often described as a golden age of archaeological discovery. For the first time, this book presents Olga's account of her experiences in her own words. Based largely on letters home, the text is accompanied by dozens of photographs that shed light on personal experiences of travel and dig life at this extraordinary time. Introductory material by John D.M. Green and Ros Henry provides the social, historical, biographical and archaeological context for the overall narrative.The letters offer new insights into the social and professional networks and history of archaeological research, particularly for Palestine under the British Mandate. They provide insights into the role of foreign archaeologists, relationships with local workers and inhabitants, and the colonial framework within which they operated during turbulent times.This book will be an important resource for those studying the history of archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly for the sites of Qau el-Kebir, Tell Fara, Tell el-'Ajjul and Tell ed-Duweir (ancient Lachish). Moreover, Olga's lively style makes this a fascinating personal account of archaeology and travel in the interwar era.



Adriatlas 4. Produzioni artigianali in area adriatica : manufatti, ateliers e attori (III sec. a.C. - V sec. d.C.)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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This fourth volume of the series AdriAtlas collects the papers presented at the International Round Table held in Bologna on May 23rd -25th 2019. It contains in total 21 contributions of French, Italian, Croatian and Slovenian scholars. The reflections focus on artisanal productions in the Adriatic region with a particular attention to five themes: craftsmanship and manufacturing between city and countryside; epigraphy, crafts and society; amphora productions; production of fine and common ware; textile production. Among the purposes of the conference, we can highlight: -to shed light on the different production methods developed in geographical contexts around the Adriatic Sea, seen as a privileged ambiance for the exchange of ideas, techniques, fashions, goods, and people; -to provide an updated, albeit partial, picture of the productive phenomenon in its various forms and its interactions with the other economic players.



Les ruines résonnent encore de leurs pas : La circulation dans les monuments grecs (VIIe s. - 31 a.C.)
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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Research on Greek monuments has only rarely, or only superficially, intersected with research in the socio-historical field. However, the multidisciplinary orientation of current research allows us to consider architecture from a new angle, by placing Man at the heart of the subject. In fact, recreating paths and gestures that have disappeared today requires a cross-referencing of sources, particularly textual, epigraphic, archaeological and iconographic. It is in this perspective that the International Study Day on the Circulation of Greek Monuments was held on 3rd and 4th November 2016. The aim of this event, which is taken up in this publication, was twofold: to fill a gap and to raise questions that could lead, in the long run, to new studies.



Trésors de l'archéologie : Petites et grandes découvertes pour éclairer le présent
ISBN: 2080266055 Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris : Flammarion,

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Du monumental vase de Vix jusqu'au disque de Nebra, la plus ancienne carte du ciel connue, en passant par les premiers temples de l'humanité en Turquie ou les tunnels regorgeant d'offrandes de Teotihuacán, jamais autant de trésors n'ont été découverts que ces dernières décennies. C'est cette richesse fascinante que Jean-Paul Demoule entend explorer avec nous dans cet ouvrage.Mais au-delà de l'or des Scythes ou des pharaons, des « trésors » non moins estimables sont là, sous nos pieds, insignifiants en apparence - comme ce brin de cannabis trouvé dans une tombe chinoise - sinon invisibles - telle la séquence ADN qui a caractérisé l'homme de Denisova.Fervent défenseur de l'archéologie préventive, l'auteur montre qu'il importe de sauver ces merveilles, mais aussi de les penser pour que des mots comme « civilisation », « peuple », « culture » ou « migration » ne soient pas détournés. Fouiller, c'est plus que jamais éclairer notre avenir.



Iscrizioni della città etrusca di Adria : Testi e contesti tra Arcaismo ed Ellenismo
Year: 2021 Publisher: Bononia University Press

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Adria nasce come emporio e almeno dal tardo Arcaismo assume la fisionomia di una città etrusca per cultura e per lingua. Gli scavi condotti in città per oltre due secoli hanno restituito una ricca documentazione epigrafica che conta 212 iscrizioni etrusche e centinaia di graffiti. Nel panorama degli studi su Adria, il ruolo dell’epigrafia appare così assai rilevante. Rilevanza confermata nel quadro dell’Etruria padana, dove il nucleo adriese è al secondo posto per quantità dopo quello di Spina, e compete anche con alcune fra le più importanti città dell’Etruria propria. Ma l’aspetto forse più importante risiede nella continuità, dato che le attestazioni più antiche risalgono al VI sec. a.C. e le più recenti a cavallo di II e I sec. a.C., restituendo così lo spaccato di una comunità sopravvissuta al crollo del sistema padano nel IV sec. a.C. Questa ricca documentazione è confluita nell’edizione del Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, IV, I, 1. Non consentendo la prassi redazionale dell’opera approfondimenti critici, si è ritenuto opportuno offrire a corredo del fascicolo un testo di analisi epigrafica delle iscrizioni etrusche, valorizzando l’insieme delle informazioni che il singolo oggetto iscritto porta con sé, dunque non solo il testo, ma anche il supporto e il contesto di rinvenimento, essenziali per una soddisfacente interpretazione. Le iscrizioni sono dunque fondamentali per uno studio complessivo e diacronico dell’Adria preromana, in quanto grazie a queste è possibile avviare una riflessione sulla società e sulle pratiche che questa adottava nel confrontarsi con il sacro e con la morte.



Olga Tufnell's 'Perfect Journey' : letters and photographs of an archaeologist in the Levant and Mediterranean
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Olga Tufnell (1905-85) was a British archaeologist working in Egypt, Cyprus and Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s, a period often described as a golden age of archaeological discovery. For the first time, this book presents Olga's account of her experiences in her own words. Based largely on letters home, the text is accompanied by dozens of photographs that shed light on personal experiences of travel and dig life at this extraordinary time. Introductory material by John D.M. Green and Ros Henry provides the social, historical, biographical and archaeological context for the overall narrative.The letters offer new insights into the social and professional networks and history of archaeological research, particularly for Palestine under the British Mandate. They provide insights into the role of foreign archaeologists, relationships with local workers and inhabitants, and the colonial framework within which they operated during turbulent times.This book will be an important resource for those studying the history of archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean, particularly for the sites of Qau el-Kebir, Tell Fara, Tell el-'Ajjul and Tell ed-Duweir (ancient Lachish). Moreover, Olga's lively style makes this a fascinating personal account of archaeology and travel in the interwar era.



Adriatlas 4. Produzioni artigianali in area adriatica : manufatti, ateliers e attori (III sec. a.C. - V sec. d.C.)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Pessac : Ausonius Éditions,

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This fourth volume of the series AdriAtlas collects the papers presented at the International Round Table held in Bologna on May 23rd -25th 2019. It contains in total 21 contributions of French, Italian, Croatian and Slovenian scholars. The reflections focus on artisanal productions in the Adriatic region with a particular attention to five themes: craftsmanship and manufacturing between city and countryside; epigraphy, crafts and society; amphora productions; production of fine and common ware; textile production. Among the purposes of the conference, we can highlight: -to shed light on the different production methods developed in geographical contexts around the Adriatic Sea, seen as a privileged ambiance for the exchange of ideas, techniques, fashions, goods, and people; -to provide an updated, albeit partial, picture of the productive phenomenon in its various forms and its interactions with the other economic players.



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